DevOps, Day - 7

DevOps, Day - 7

Understanding package manager and systemctl

  1. What is a package manager in Linux?

    • Linux uses packages to install and run the software.
      A package manager is a tool that helps you find and install these packages.

    • Package managers have a list of available packages and take care of downloading and installing them for you.

    • They also keep your software up-to-date by checking for updates and installing them for you.

    • Using a package manager is an easy way to manage the software on your Linux system.

  2. what is a package?

    • A package in Linux is a complete software bundle that contains everything needed to install and run a program, including code, configuration files, documentation, and other required software components.

    • A package manager is a tool that helps you find and install packages easily, by automatically downloading and installing them along with their dependencies. This makes it simple and efficient to install and manage software on a Linux system.

  3. Different kinds of package manager

    There are different kinds of package managers as follows:

    • dpkg and apt: These package managers are used by Debian and Ubuntu to install and remove packages, and to automate common package management tasks.

    • RPM and YUM/DNF: These package managers are used by Red Hat, CentOS, Fedora, and other RPM-based distributions to install and remove packages, and to automate common package management tasks.

    • Pacman: This is a package manager used by Arch Linux that is known for its simplicity and speed.

    • Portage: This is a package manager used by Gentoo Linux that compiles packages from source code to create custom installations.

    • Flatpak: This is a newer package manager that allows for easy and consistent application deployment across different Linux distributions by containing everything needed to run the application.

  4. Install docker in your system from your terminal using package managers.

    step1: To install docker, first update the system by typing the command
    sudo apt update
    step2: Now, type sudo apt-get install and type 'Y'

    step3: Now check, whether it is installed or not by typing
    docker --version

    Hence, docker is installed in your system.

  5. Install Jenkins in your system from your terminal using package managers.

    To install Jenkins, first we need to install Java in the system.
    step1: To install Java, first update the system by typing the command
    sudo apt update
    step2: Then, type the command sudo apt-get install default-jdk

    step3: Now check, whether it is installed or not by typing
    java --version

    Step 4: Now, you are ready to install Jenkins in your system.

    Type both the above commands, and
    Just Follow πŸ‘‰ Steps to install Jenkins

    Step 5: Once you follow the above steps & link. Just type
    sudo apt install jenkins and check whether it is installed or not
    by using the command jenkins --version

    Hence, Jenkins is installed in your system.

  6. To check the status of Docker before and after while running in your system.
    Type sudo service docker status

    When Docker is inactive/stopped πŸ‘‡

  7. To check the status of Jenkins before and after while running in your system.
    Type sudo service jenkins status

    When Jenkins is inactive/stopped πŸ‘‡

  8. Difference between systemctl and service.

    we can see the status of Docker and Jenkins even using systemctl command
    Ex: systemctl status docker

    Ex: sudo service jenkins status

    Then, what is the difference between systemctl and service when both are producing the same results πŸ€”

    Overall, systemctl provides more advanced and powerful service management options compared to service, which is a simpler and more basic service management tool.

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