Managing Resources

Task 1:

Create a Terraform configuration file to define a resource of AWS EC2 instance, Azure storage account, Google Compute Engine, etc. (Anyone)

Before that perform the below steps :)

step 1: Connect with your ec2 instance and visit your aws and search for IAM as shown below.

step 2: Now click on users and add users

step 3: Once you add the user by giving certain permissions, we can see our user is added. (Don't forget to download your credential file which includes the access keys)

step 4: Now create a directory and install awscli

step 5: Now type aws s3 ls If you see this message, it means awscli is installed successfully, but it doesn't have certain credentials.

step 6: Now type aws configure command and enter your access key id and secret access key

step 7: Now execute these 3 commands by providing your access key's as shown below

Step 8: Now, create a main.tf file which defines the required resources of aws_ec2 instances.

Task 2:

Check state files before running the plan and apply commands & Use validate command to validate your tf file for errors and provide the Output generated by each command.

step 1: Now execute terraform init command to initialize

step 2: Validate it

step 3: Check terraform plan

step 4: Now execute terraform apply command

Task 3:

Add a provisioner to the configuration file to configure the resource after it is created and use Terraform commands to apply for changes and destroy to remove resources.

step 1: Create a provisioner file as shown below and apply the changes using terraform apply command

resource "aws_instance" "my_ec2_instance" {
  count = 2
  ami           = "ami-053b0d53c279acc90"
  instance_type = "t2.micro"
  tags = {
    Name = "TerraformBatch-Instance"

  provisioner "local-exec" {
    command = "./provision.sh"

step 2: Now use terraform destroy command to remove resources

Task 4:

Add lifecycle management configurations to the configuration file to control the creation, modification, and deletion of the resource and use Terraform commands to apply the changes.

step 1: Add lifecycle management configuration as shown below.

resource "aws_instance" "my_ec2_instance" {
  lifecycle {
    create_before_destroy = true
    prevent_destroy       = false

step 2: To apply the changes, navigate to the directory containing both the main.tf and lifecycle.tf files and run the following commands:

  1. terraform init: Initializes the Terraform configuration and downloads the necessary provider plugins.

  2. terraform plan: Creates an execution plan, showing the changes that will be made. Review the plan to ensure it aligns with your expectations.

  3. terraform apply: Applies the changes and provisions the resources based on the configuration. You will be prompted to confirm before proceeding.

These commands will apply the lifecycle management configurations to the aws_instance resource and control its creation, modification, and deletion behaviour.

Finally, our main.tf looks something like this...

Thank you so much for reading.

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